New generative AI tools like DeepSeek have prompted many employees to ask which tools they’re allowed to use – and what type of data they may upload…
In May, all students at AU will get access to the tools in the Microsoft 365 package, including Teams – just like AU staff. This will open up a range…
On Thursday 10 April 2025 International Staff Office invites you to the AU Workplace in Focus seminar.
Experience the future of research at Aarhus University’s 3MT Competition! Join us on 19 March 2025 in Stakladen for an exciting event where talented…
True to tradition, AU will once again be pitching its tents for the DHL Relay Fun Run in August, and all staff members are now invited to sign up for…
On 23 April, Aarhus University will open its doors to the public for the Festival of Research, taking place in and around the Stakladen events hall…
In the period 1-24 February, staff at Aarhus University can fill out a form with the information needed to participate in the 2025 salary…
Are you looking to publish your work or spend time at a university abroad? Apply now for publication or international mobility funding from the Aarhus…
From 25 February, it will be time to conduct another workplace assessment at AU – known as a WPA. Here you can read more about the process.
The current head of department, Ulrik Uggerhøj, will continue in the position. He will head the development of the department over the coming years.
Who has the decision-making authority to make what decisions at AU? And who can delegate what powers to whom? A new set of guidelines for AU managers…
A legendary bell that heralded the beginning of the Battle of Als in 1864. Brandy production. Karen Blixen with a rifle. And a ravenous king. The…
The overall framework for the future MSc landscape at Natural Sciences is now ready. The guiding principle is that we develop new, targeted degree…
Many new student representatives will soon take up their seats on AU’s councils, boards and committees. 18.24% of students voted.
PhD students at AU can now apply for a place in this spring’s research communication competition Three Minute Thesis (3MT). All participants will…
As of 1 January 2025, Associate Professor Christoffer Karoff and Associate Professor Ulf Andersson Vang Ørom will be working to promote the innovation…
The Fulbright-Kennedy Center Fellowship is now open for applications in Denmark.
Employees at Nat should feel safe and secure. A productive and intense work environment should also be a nice place to be. The new Code of Conduct…
In November, elections will be held at AU. This year, students and PhD students can vote and stand for election to various councils and committees.
Society's need for scientific knowledge and the student study environment are important considerations for the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the…
New agreement between Universities Denmark and six large private foundations will affect applications for research funding.
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new round of the AIAS-AUFF Fellowship call, offering 10 individual, bottom-up fellowships within all…
Learn more about this large machine, of which there are only a few in Denmark.
Would you like to internationalise your teaching and develop online course activities with colleagues from Humboldt-Universität? Now you can apply for…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 14 and 15 September 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems…
As a member of staff at AU, you have access to an extensive photo archive, which has recently been updated with around 3,500 photos taken at events…
As a rule, students will be allowed to use GAI in all exams at Aarhus University. However, there may be exceptions for some courses.
On Friday 13 September, students will hold their annual sports day and Denmark’s biggest Friday bar in the University Park. Some car parks in the…
At the information meeting for employees at Nat, Vice-Dean for Education Kristine Kilså and Dean Birgit Schiøtt discussed the Master’s reform, under…
After exhaustive discussion, the senior management team has decided how the government’s ‘sector resizing’ agreement, which imposes caps on admissions…
Guiding principles for work-related use of GAI (generative artificial intelligence) are now in place for staff and managers. If you follow these seven…
A new act on registration of working hours will soon come into force in Denmark. Under the act, many staff at AU will be required to register their…
Dean Birgit Schiøtt wishes all Nat staff a good summer.
At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, we need to make the path a bit easier for the nearly 10 percent of our students who have a disability.
Over the past ten years, the number of students with a disability has increased significantly. According to AU's Counselling and Support Centre,…
It can be challenging to combine lectures, field trips, and disabilities. Ellen and Anne hope that their experiences with this can be beneficial for…
Aarhus University aims to reduce the carbon footprint from air travel by 30%. The Nat faculty leadership has adopted principles that faculty members…
Once again, the university alliance Circle U. is offering seed funding for bottom-up projects driven by staff or students. 100,000 euros will be…
Are you interested to learn how your language affects other people? All members of staff at AU now have access to the Develop Diverse digital tool,…
The network Parents@NAT-AU is for pregnant/parent-to-be researchers and researchers with young children (nursery/kindergarten) who will return, are…
Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen begins his role as Data Management Coordinator on April 1st.
Dear Faculty of Natural Sciences Employee,
Climate action and biodiversity need to occupy a larger space in our daily life at the faculty.
Walk the talk: When vice-dean for research Poul Nissen travels, he prefers to do so by train. It takes a bit longer, but it's better for the climate…
Elections for the occupational health and safety organisation at AU have just been completed. Both new and returning representatives have committed…
No one will be forced away from the meatball dish, because in Matematisk Kantine, guests should choose the lentils themselves. There are already a…
The Dean's Office and the Dean's Secretariat have moved into building 1535, and you are welcome to stop by.
For the last two years, PhD students from AU have won the final of the European research communication competition 3MT. Now it’s time for AU to find a…
In the period 1-25 February, staff at Aarhus University can fill out a form with the information needed to participate in the 2024 salary…
Kickstart the new year with renewed energy. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger or simply feel better, there’s something for you at AU…
Two experienced AU profiles will strengthen Natural Sciences within careers, research and collaboration with business and industry as newly appointed…
In week 43, all university students in Denmark will receive the survey by Digital Post. A high response rate is an essential tool for developing the…
One of the first tasks for AU's new Academic Environment Council will be to analyse the AU-specific results of the Danish Student Survey. The survey…
Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and the dean of Natural Sciences, Kristian Pedersen, have agreed that Kristian Pedersen will step down as dean.
Jørgen B. Jespersen has walked the halls of Aarhus University and other governmental research institutions since 1974. First as a student and then…
The Windows 10 operating system will be phased out, Microsoft has announced. This means that about 8,000 staff computers at AU will need to upgrade to…
Come find out how Open Science can improve your research and learn how to integrate the principles of Open Science into your research practice.
From July 1st, the Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC) will be a part of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG). This is being done…
Research, collaboration with the business sector, and improved conditions for innovation will be the three core tasks for the upcoming vice-dean for…
Regardless of whether you want to learn more about learning technologies, get competent feedback from peers, or in some other way develop your…
David Lundbek Egholm has decided to resign from his position as the vice-dean for research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. On 1 August, he will…
Mads Ankjær is the new manager of Mathematical Canteen. He took over the position from Jørgen Bæk in the spring of 2023 and he is now looking forward…
Aske Dahl Sløk is to take over as head of the Dean’s Secretariat at Natural Sciences following Marianne Fejerskov Løyche’s decision to retire earlier…
On Friday 27 January 2023, natural science teachers at upper secondary schools gathered at the Faculty of Natural Sciences for a joint inspiration…
The Nat Forum for Education has just held its Education Fair for teaching staff and employees involved with teaching at the faculty.
The dean sends his video greetings to all employees wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Large grazers such as cows and horses are important tools in the struggle against the biodiversity crisis, but they cannot be released just anywhere.…
The new year is fast approaching and perhaps you would like to learn more about or develop your teaching practice in the coming semester? The CED…
The university’s high-performance computing facility, GenomeDK, enables researchers to analyse and store large volumes of sensitive data drawn from…
A new guide contains advice on how to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption in laboratories. There is help and inspiration regarding energy,…
Natural Sciences has focus on career development and recruitment with revised ABC criteria, new job descriptions, and guidelines for a promotion…
For the first time ever, the Graduate School held a seminar for PhD students and supervisors on 6-7 October. The theme was well-being during a PhD…
More energy-saving measures will be launched at Natural Sciences following the latest announcements about the university's finances. The Department of…
All elevators in both ends of buildings 1520, 1521, 1522 and 1525 can’t be used on Tuesday 6/9 from 7:15 until electricity supply is stable again…
Due to planned maintenance, there will be a temporary power cut on Tuesday 6/9, which will affect buildings at the Department of Physics and Astronomy…
On Friday 9 September 2022, the shell of a number of buildings will be locked. An employee card is required to enter. See which buildings are…
The Royal Danish Library is helping Danish Open Access journals get indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals and thereby improve the…
On Friday 9 September, students will hold their annual sports day and Denmark’s biggest Friday bar in the University Park. This means that some of the…
If you use an iPhone, iPad or other Apple products for work purposes, you must update to the latest version of the operating system as soon as…
Do you have a daring, innovative research project in the works? Or a potentially groundbreaking publication on the way? If so, you can apply for…
Our exercise classes begin in the week 33 (from August 13th). Read more.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is looking forward to welcoming international students and teaching them about quantum technologies.
Admissions to Bachelor's programmes at the Faculty of Natural Sciences are back to pre-corona levels. The faculty is also pleased to see growth in…
The quota 1 applications to higher education degree programmes in Denmark have been counted, and despite a general tendency towards fewer applications…
A refurbishment of the current buildings in the “IT Corner” and “IT Park” in Katrinebjerg and a completely new 8,850 m2 building next door. These are…
The dean sends his video summer greetings to everyone at Nat.
The Centre for Educational Development invites all Aarhus University employees to an inspirational afternoon on Friday 30 September 2022 from…
This autumn, AU researchers will be given access to ERDA/SIF , a new digital solution that makes it easier to store and share research data safely,…
Music, good food and activities. There is plenty of fun on the programme when Natural Sciences' annual summer gathering takes place on Friday 26…
In October, anyone with an interest in brain research will have a unique opportunity to meet yet another Nobel Laureate. Professor Edvard Moser will…
On 30 May, the Committee for Diversity and Equality held a workshop with Professor Caroline Dessent from the University of York. The workshop entailed…
The criteria for the permanent appointment of academic staff at Nat, also known as the 'ABC criteria', have been revised based on recommendations from…
Trolle Linderoth has been appointed as the new director of studies from 1 June 2022
This autumn students from across Europe will attend an online sustainable entrepreneurship course. The course is an initiative under Circle U.…
The finals of this years’ Young Scientists (Unge Forskere) competition took place on 26 April. The competition is for children and young people in…
Aarhus University once again invites all AU employees to join their colleagues for a run or walk. You can still register for the race.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC) invites staff and students at AU for an introduction of the center and its crucial mission to…
There is great interest in how to ensure that young students get off on the right foot when they begin their studies in natural sciences. This year’s…
What are AU’s visions for using digital elements in teaching? And what will it take to realise them? These were some of the central questions debated…
In 2025, a new partner house for SMEs and organisations and foundations that collaborate with Aarhus University will open its doors in the University…
This year, the Faculty of Natural Sciences received 1,199 quota 2 applications. Of these, 360 applications were first priority.
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