Brian Bech Nielsen is disappointed by the government’s failure to involve the university sector before the agreement.
AU’s ten supervised self-testing sites for staff and students are closing soon. The last day will be 30 June.
The climate footprint must be reduced – also at AU. If you want to help make AU greener, you can find inspiration in AU’s new Green Guide.
Now you can access autumn courses in Brightspace, the platform that will replace Blackboard after the summer holiday. This means that teaching staff…
When working remotely, for example from your home office, you are often a more easy target for IT criminals. 6 tips are now available to help avoid…
The faculty’s new strategic course and core narrative are now in place following a process with focus groups, workshops, consultations and many good…
Natural Sciences' new core narrative encompasses the history of the faculty and a consistent theme from then until today. The core narrative is based…
Natural Sciences to focus on commencement of studies and retention of students after more than a year under the shadow of corona. The faculty will…
Following a long corona lockdown, in 2021 Natural Sciences will focus on restoring university life on campus, career development (particularly for…
One of the Nordic region's most prestigious research prizes, the Anders Jahre Prize, goes to Professor Poul Nissen from Aarhus University. Poul Nissen…