Aarhus University will once again participate in the DHL Relay Race, and the registration is still open for all employees - The registration deadline…
AU is currently under attack by a wave of spam emails with unpleasant and inappropriate content. You are encouraged to report the spam emails in…
AU's new learning platform, Brightspace, is now open and accessible to all teaching staff and course administrators. Centre for Educational…
Are you a researcher, research coordinator, university spinout or startup? Would you like to know more about EIC which provides funding to high risk…
Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen has been appointed Professor of Structural Microbiology to study microbial survival mechanisms at the Department of Molecular…
In the coming months, the dean and vice-deans of Nat will be intensifying their activity on LinkedIn and Twitter. This will make the faculty's…
Aarhus University is switching from Blackboard to Brightspace. A number of teachers at Faculty of Natural Sciences have tested the system in a pilot…
Aarhus University will once again participate in the DHL Relay Race, and the registration is now open for all employees. It’s time to dust off your…