Strategic expansion of the dean's office aims to strengthen the business and career efforts.

Research, collaboration with the business sector, and improved conditions for innovation will be the three core tasks for the upcoming vice-dean for research, business, and innovation, while the future vice-dean for career development will focus on enhancing recruitment, retention, and diversity among employees and students.

During the upcoming period, we will be advertising two new significant positions at the faculty. In connection with David Lundbeck Egholm stepping down as vice-dean, we have taken the opportunity to rethink the organization and focus of the dean's office.

"We would like to further emphasize our collaboration with the business sector and assist our students and young researchers in progressing successfully and securely in their careers. Therefore, we prioritize expanding the dean's office with two talented individuals who can truly contribute to realizing both the faculty's and the employees' potential," says Dean Kristian Pedersen.

As a result, the dean's office will consist of Dean Kristian Pedersen, Vice-Dean for education Kristine Kilså, a Vice-Dean for research, business, and innovation, and a Vice-Dean for career development.

Prominent hirings amid an adjustment phase

The timing may seem somewhat peculiar. Is it really the right time to expand the dean's office concurrently with a comprehensive adjustment phase at the faculty? It is connected to the fact that David Lundbek Egholm is stepping down from the dean's office to return to research, and Jørgen Brøchner Jespersen, who has overseen the faculty's business collaborations and served on AU's Business Committee, will retire in the fall.

"The timing could have been better, but both David and Jørgen will be leaving shortly. It has provided an opportunity to consider whether our competencies and organization in the dean's office align with our tasks. We want to strengthen our collaboration with the business sector and improve our ability to ensure good and transparent career paths at the faculty. This requires a reorganization of the dean's office. Therefore, we have seized the opportunity now that it presented itself," says Kristian Pedersen.

Jørgen Brøchner Jespersen is employed part-time at our faculty and part-time at Tech. This means that the expansion of the dean's office with an additional vice-dean practically only amounts to half of a full-time position. There will be no expansion of the faculty secretariat in connection with the two new vice-dean positions.

The positions will be advertised before the summer break.