Student Retention Forum at Natural Sciences

The purpose of the NAT Student Retention Forum is to coordinate and exchange experiences on activities within the retention of students across the departments at the faculty.


Aurelien Romain Dantan , Associate Professor , Department of Physics and Astronomy
Morten Foss , Senior Researcher , Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Fysik, iNANO-huset
Henrik Helligsø Jensen , Associate Professor , Department of Chemistry
Tove Hedegaard Jørgensen , Associate Professor , Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology and Evolution
Kristine Kilså , Vice-Dean, Education , Dean's Office, Natural Sciences
Jacob Schach Møller , Head of Department , Department of Mathematics
Andreas Birch Olsen , Educational Advisor , Department of Computer Science
Jan Piotrowski , Professor , Department of Geoscience
Magdalena Pyrz , Senior consultant , Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Sekretariat
Hans Røy , Associate Professor , Department of Biology - Microbiology
Catalina Kjær Torres , Administrative Officer , Nat-Tech Administrative Centre - Nat-Tech PhD and Studies Administration

+ student representative