Business & Innovation Commitee

The Business and Innovation Committee is the coordinating body for business-oriented activities at Natural Sciences. The committee consists of representatives from the departments, centres and the dean's office.

The Business and Innovation Committee helps forge more widespread dialogue and collaboration with the private sector and the public sector. The committee also advises the dean and the management team at the faculty on business partnerships, and the committee is therefore a coordinating body for activities relating to business collaboration. The aim of the committee is to ensure a professional approach to the private sector.

The Committee is also a coordinating body for the local business committees at the departments and centres.


Department of Biology: Professor Peter Grønkjær

Department of Computer Science: Professor Ira Assent

Department of Computer Science: Special Consultant Søren Poulsen

Department of Physics and Astronomy: Professor Peter Balling

Department of Geoscience: Associate professor Anders Vest Christiansen

Department of Chemistry: Professor Kim Daasbjerg

Department of Mathematics: Senior Researcher Rodrigo Labouriau

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics: Professor Finn Skou Pedersen

Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNANO): Professor Kim Daasbjerg