Brightspace: Take part in workshops and get support
AU's new learning platform, Brightspace, is now open and accessible to all teaching staff and course administrators. Centre for Educational Development (CED) are ready to help you getting set up in the new system for the upcoming start of term. There will be workshops specifically tailored for teaching staff at Nat as well as online support. Read more about how to get help and support with regards to Brightspace.

Where to get help and support
Teaching staff and course administrators are now able to participate in online workshops designed specifically for staff at Nat and Tech who will be using Brightspace in their teaching. These workshops are organised by the Centre for Educational Development (CED) (formerly STLL).
At these workshops, you will be introduced to the most important functions of the platform, including uploading materials, communicating with students and setting up learning activities. There will also be time to address individual questions and problems.
If a large group of teaching staff, from the same department for example, would like to do a workshop together, please contact Morten Seberg from the CED, who is the project manager for Nat and Tech and is ready to help arrange this.
Drop-in support:
You can get help with Brightspace on Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday 14.00-15.30.
Brightspace Online Course:
As a lecturer, you are automatically registered for this online introductory course, which you can complete at your own speed. You will find the course under the tab Resources and can access it via this link for lecturers. If you are not a lecturer (but e.g. a PhD student or an administrative employee), and would like to take the course.
Access it via this link for non-lecturers.
How-to videos:
These short videos on different topics will introduce you to the basic functions of the platform and give you useful tips and tricks.
Book a student assistant:
If you need help in connection with building your Brightspace course, you can book a student assistant for half an hour. The meeting is held online via Zoom or Teams.
Click here to book a student assistant.
Brightspace quick guide:
In this quick quide, you will find guidelines for the most important features of the platform in a print-friendly version that you can print out and keep.
Support from CED:
You can either call the help desk or contact them via a contact form. For the first time, CED will be offering support throughout the summer.
Find contact information and contact form.
What about content from Blackboard?
- Content from autumn 2020 courses in Blackboard has been automatically transferred to Brightspace and can be found on the Blackboard Courses tabs. From here, the content can be imported into the autumn 2021 courses.
- However, please note that content created by or linked to students will not be transferred.
- At, you can read much more about transferring content, and what you need to pay particular attention to before Blackboard closes 31 October 2021.
What about the students?
- The students will be given access to Brightspace in August. Before that, they will receive information about the transition to the new platform by email and via the study portals.
- Students can also find information about Brightspace on, which will be updated regularly.??
- New students will be informed about Brightspace in the introductory material – for instance via AU’s online programme for new students, Study@AU.
Set-up of courses for next term
From mid-June teaching staff can start setting up courses for the upcoming term in Brightspace. For this there will also be many support options from CED. More info on this will follow when the system opens for set-up of courses.
Set-up of courses for next term
From 7 June teaching staff can start setting up courses for the upcoming term in Brightspace. For this there will also be many support options from CED. More info on this will follow when the system opens for set-up of courses.
Read more
We have asked some of the teaching staff at Nat about their experience from testing Brightspace, where they rapport that the new system has many new tools. Read more about experiences with Brightspace here.
News from CED about the testing phase: Brightspace takes time to get used to.