ODIN invites researchers from Natural Sciences to open innovation with pharmaceutical companies

Aarhus University and a number of Danish and international drug manufacturers are working together in ground-breaking, open research collaboration, ODIN, which the Novo Nordisk Foundation is supporting with DKK 54.5 mill. (EUR 7.2 mill.). The project involves scientists from the three faculties Nat, Tech and Health, and data and results from the collaboration will be made available to everyone, openly and free of charge. The ambition of the project is to exploit collective knowledge from all the researchers participating in ODIN and, in the long term, to forge innovation to benefit patients, industry and society.

[Translate to English:] Portrætfoto af Jørgen Kjems.
[Translate to English:] Professor Jørgen Kjems var med til at udvikle ODIN-konceptet. Foto: Peter F. Gammelby, AU
[Translate to English:] Portrætfoto af Marie Louise Conradsen
[Translate to English:] Marie Louise Conradsen har så småt indledt en turne til de tre fakulteters institutter for at ”rekruttere” forskere til samarbejdet. Foto: AU

ODIN is an abbreviation of the Open Discovery Innovation Network, and in this context, ‘innovation’ covers both the way in which researchers and companies collaborate, and the results of their collaboration.

ODIN is a pilot project, and over the next three years it will be a free space in which the participating researchers and companies can collaborate without the restrictive framework of the patent rules.

They can do this by focusing their collaboration on the early phases of the development of new drugs, including identifying biomarkers, and they can generate shared knowledge that, although it may not be worth patenting, could become a building block in the development of future drugs.   Another focus of the collaboration will be to understand how new drugs work at cell level.

The collaboration will lead to faster and more efficient pharmaceuticals innovation globally by forging a strong foundation of basic knowledge and tools that everyone can access: including competing companies.

Everyone is welcome

So far, the network consists of researchers from Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences and Health, as well as nine industrial partners, including Novo Nordisk, Leo Pharma, Lundbeck, Boehringer Ingelheim and Nordic Bioscience. However, any pharmaceutical company is welcome to sign up.

The DKK 54.5 mill. (EUR 7.2 mill.) from the Novo Nordisk Foundation will finance the administration of ODIN and the university's part of the research projects for three years. The companies will contribute knowledge, technology, and materials (such as screening libraries), for example, as well as knowledge about automation and so on.

"ODIN allows our researchers and businesses to collaborate on complex problems that they cannot handle on their own. The platform offers an opportunity to draw on many intellects from different disciplines and companies, so that we can quickly transfer methods known from a research field to new problems in another field, or find entirely new ways of examining 'old' challenges,” explains Marie Louise Conradsen, who is the head of open science at the Nat-Tech faculties and who is leading the ODIN project.

The researchers are employed at Aarhus University, not ODIN, and they are participating voluntarily because of their academic interest. However, participants will not be allowed to entirely run loose. A joint committee will assess each project before giving it the green light and funding. For example, projects must not only benefit individual businesses.

Marie Louise Conradsen is setting up a secretariat with three employees, and she has tentatively started a tour of departments at the three faculties to recruit researchers to the project.

Kjems is ready

Professor Jørgen Kjems fra Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNANO), Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik er klar til at foreslå et åbent samarbejde med et medicinalfirma om at finde nye biomarkører for en sygdom, der ellers er notorisk svært at diagnosticere uden ubehagelige biopsier, og medicins biologiske virkemåder.

Jørgen Kjems har sammen med blandt andre Henrik Birkedal og Victoria Birkedal, begge fra både Institut for Kemi og iNANO, været med til at udvikle ODIN-konceptet.

Og han ser mange fordele ved det åbne samarbejde i ODIN:

”I dag ved vi, at den bedste metode til at forstå den grundliggende årsag til sygdomme er at belyse den fra mange forskellige sider. I et åbent forskningsmiljø som ODIN kan forskerne hurtigt trække på data fra andre kilder og derved hurtigere opdage helt nye sammenhænge og sygdomsmarkører. Det betyder bedre og hurtigere diagnoser af sygdomme for patienterne. Og ved at gøre alle resultater tilgængelige for alle slipper man for udarbejdelse af langstrakte juridiske aftaler, før man kan gå i gang. Derved opnår man resultater hurtigere, hvilket i sidste ende også er til fordel for patienterne,” siger Jørgen Kjems.


Marie Louise Conradsen,  Head of Open Science

Mail: mlco@au.dk

Phone: 9350 8496